On December 13, Bangkok was the meeting point of key players for the official launch of the ASAMCO project, marking a significant milestone in the international initiative PREZODE. This project, which is part of a broader effort to prevent zoonotic diseases, aims to reduce the risks of emergence of dangerous pathogens in Laos and Thailand. By bringing together various partners and adopting a collaborative approach, ASAMCO aims to develop innovative solutions to protect human, animal and environmental health.
On December 13, the ASAMCO project was officially launched in Bangkok, Thailand. This initiative is part of the PREACTS project, itself developed within the framework of the international initiative PREZODE. ASAMCO’s main objective is to reduce the risk of emergence of zoonotic pathogens with epidemic potential, by implementing innovative prevention and collaboration approaches in target regions, including Laos and Thailand.
A promising inaugural meeting
The project launch took place at the Faculty of Veterinary Technology of Kasetsart University, with opening speeches by Dr. Chongrak WACHRINRAT, President of Kasetsart University, and Dr. Wuttinun RAKSAJIT, Dean of the Faculty. Furthermore, the French Ambassador to Thailand, His Excellency Mr. Jean-Claude POIMBOEUF, stressed the crucial importance of the “ One Health » to prevent zoonotic diseases that threaten human and animal health.
ASAMCO globally
The ASAMCO project, which follows the first part of the PREACTS initiative, aims to address public health issues linked to zoonoses in three regional blocks: Laos and Thailand, but also in Mexico, Costa Rica and the Democratic Republic. of the Congo. At this event, experts like Dr. Audrey ARNAL discussed ASAMCO’s future deployments in Latin America, while Dr. Steve AHUKA addressed strategies to adopt in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
An essential collaboration in Laos and Thailand
ASAMCO is based on a true collaborative effort between various actors and institutions. The project is financed by the AFD (French Development Agency) and led by the IRD in partnership with key entities such as the Department of Disease Control in Thailand, and the Christophe Mérieux Infectious Disease Center in Laos. The objective is to develop innovative strategies to prevent the emergence of zoonoses through interventions in socio-ecosystems and the interface between humans and wildlife.
The context and issues in the region
Mainland Southeast Asia is a hotspot for the emergence of zoonotic diseases due to rich biodiversity but threatened by various factors such as infrastructure expansion, intensive agriculture and mining. This work increases contact between humans and animals, thus facilitating the spread of diseases. The ASAMCO project aims to address these issues by exploring scientific solutions for the prevention of zoonoses, while considering factors such as climate change and land use.
A future oriented towards collaboration and innovation
With this in mind, ASAMCO promotes dialogue and cooperation with a wide range of international organizations and academic networks. Two round tables were organized to define common areas of work and encourage the emergence of collaborative dynamics between the different institutions involved. These meetings brought together leading players such as theOMSA and the FAO, thus consolidating an inclusive framework to address public health issues related to zoonoses.
Future prospects and contact
ASAMCO aims to guide scientific activities towards sustainable solutions for the prevention of zoonoses, while ensuring the well-being of local communities. For any questions related to the project and current initiatives, you can contact Serge Morand, researcher at CNRS and coordinator of ASAMCO in Laos and Thailand.
- Event: Launch of the ASAMCO project
- Date: December 13, 2023
- Place: Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Main objectives: Reduce the risk of emergence of zoonotic pathogens
- Key partners: AFD, IRD, DDC, DCDC, Christophe Mérieux Infectiology Center
- Approach: One health (One Health)
- Regions concerned: Laos, Thailand, Mexico, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Themes covered: Land use change, wildlife conservation, climate change
- Interdisciplinary collaboration: Dialogue with international organizations and academic networks
- Expected impact: Scientific solutions for zoonotic disease prevention and community well-being
ASAMCO Project Launch FAQ
What is the main objective of the ASAMCO project? The ASAMCO project aims to reduce the risk of emergence of zoonotic pathogens with epidemic potential in Laos and Thailand, as well as other regions.
When was the official launch of the ASAMCO project? The official launch took place on December 13 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Who are the partners involved in the ASAMCO project? The project is financed by AFD and is implemented by IRD, in collaboration with the Department of Disease Control in Thailand and the Christophe Mérieux Infectiology Center in Laos.
What is the “One Health” approach? The “One Health” approach is a concept that links the health of humans, animals and the environment, aiming to prevent the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases.
What activities will be carried out within the framework of ASAMCO? The ASAMCO project will focus on the development of innovative approaches to prevent and mitigate the emergence and spread of zoonoses, particularly through research activities and dialogue with various organizations.
Which international organizations collaborate with ASAMCO? Organizations such as the World Organization for Animal Health, FAO, and the Wildlife Conservation Society are working with ASAMCO to ensure a comprehensive approach.
What specific challenges do Southeast Asian countries face regarding zoonotic diseases? The region faces challenges related to biodiversity threatened, the expansion of infrastructure, and the intensification of contacts between humans and animals, which increase the risk of the spread of diseases.