In Thailand, a priest fights every day to end child labor exploitation


  • Father Alessandro Brai, missionary in Thailand, works for the protection of refugee children.
  • Work infantile denounced by the Pope Francis like a global scourge.
  • Approximately 160 million children are victims of exploitation around the world.
  • Burmese refugees live in the misery, pushing children to work from a young age.
  • Limited educational initiatives for these children, due to their status as refugee.
  • THE Xaverian missionaries opened a school to provide them with education.
  • Collaboration with international associations to provide educational aids.
  • Objective: to raise awareness among families of the need for education rather than child labor.

As part of a growing social crisis, the exploitation of child labor remains a devastating scourge in Thailand, particularly along the border with Burma. In this difficult context, a missionary priest, Father Alessandro Brai, deploys all his efforts to intervene with young refugees, in order to protect them from exploitation and offer them an education. Its daily mission highlights the urgency of the situation and aspires to change the destiny of these children who are often left behind.

In the Thai mountains, the missionary father Alessandro Brai devotes his life to the fight against the exploitation of children at work. With exceptional commitment to refugee children, he tries to keep them away from the laborious work to which they are often forced to provide for their families. Faced with a scourge widely denounced by institutions such as Pope Francis and the United Nations, its mission is distinguished not only by the protection it provides, but also by its efforts to educate them.

A mission in a vulnerable region

Father Brai’s mission is located along the border between Thailand and Burma, in a region marked by instability and poverty. Due to the civil war ravaging Burma, nearly 2 million refugees have been forced to flee, seeking asylum in Thailand. Many end up in slums, such as Khlong Toey, where children escape school to work and help their families.

The devastating effects of poverty

Poverty is a powerful driver of child exploitation. Families, often large, have no other choice than to send their children to work to ensure their livelihood. Father Brai sees daily that many children spend their time on the streets, selling goods or doing household chores. “ Many of them stay outside, not go to school », he testifies, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

A fight for education

To counter this vicious spiral, Father Brai strives to convince families of the importance of education. Unfortunately, refugee children cannot benefit from public education due to their status. Private initiatives, such as schools managed by NGOs, try to fill this need. Father Brai, along with his colleagues, set up a school in 2022 to provide basic education to children.

Persuade parents and teachers

The challenge is not only to convince parents, but also to ensure that teachers stay in the classrooms. Father Brai improves the remuneration conditions of teachers to encourage them not to abandon their educational role. “ Sometimes teachers go to work in the fields rather than teaching to bring more money to their families “, he explains, illustrating the complexity of the fight against exploitation.

Support from NGOs and international actions

Father Brai’s task is supported by associations international organizations working with refugees. Organizations like Children of the Mekong provide funds for education, helping with the purchase of uniforms, supplies and food. Father Brai ensures that supports are used effectively to improve children’s schooling, while keeping an eye on families’ pressing food needs.

With the conviction that every child deserves a chance to access education and escape poverty, Father Alessandro Brai dedicates himself body and soul to fighting against the injustices that affect the most vulnerable. Despite the magnitude of the task, his commitment and determination continue to raise awareness, both locally and internationally, of the need to eradicate child labor.

To find out more about the situation of refugee children in Thailand and the efforts being made to protect them, discover the full article on the website Vatican News.

If you would like to support these efforts, you can learn about international relief efforts and get involved in helping make a difference by visiting sites like UNICEF.

  • Mission of the priest: Protection of refugee children and access to education.
  • Situation of the children: Often forced to work to meet family needs.
  • Location : Thai mountains, along the border with Burma.
  • Parent involvement: Convince families to prioritize school over work.
  • Help from NGOs: Material support for children (uniforms, supplies, food).
  • Constant challenge: Fight poverty that pushes children into work.
  • Alternative education: Learning centers for refugee children without access to public education.
  • Community Engagement: Mobilization of community members to support this fight.

FAQs on child labor exploitation in Thailand

What is the role of Father Alessandro Brai in Thailand? Father Alessandro Brai is a missionary who works with refugee children in Thailand, seeking to protect them from exploitation at work by promoting their schooling.

Why are children pushed to work in Thailand? Many children have to work to support themselves. needs and to those of their family, often because of the misery and difficult economic circumstances.

What types of work do child workers do? In areas like Bangkok slums, we find children selling products or helping to transport various goods.

What difficulties do refugee children encounter in terms of education? Refugee children cannot access public education due to lack of documents legal, which limits their access toeducation.

How do missionaries try to encourage children to go to school? Father Brai and his team discuss with the parents to convince them to keep their children in school rather than sending them to work.

What help is provided to children by external organizations? Associations, such as Enfants du Mékong, provide donations and send volunteers to help improve the situation of refugee children.

What is the current situation for children in Thailand? There are still many challenges, with thousands of families in need, and a continuing flow of refugees that arrive every day.


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